Interpreting results

Lecture 17

Aidan Combs

Duke University
SOCIOL 333 - Summer Term 1 2023



  • Four classes left. No class Monday. We’re almost there! :)

Wrapping up the project

  • Project component 3: submit for grading by next Tuesday (June 20)
  • Final paper

    • use (revised!) elements of your proposal, descriptive stats, and results to turn your question and analysis into a (concise) paper.
    • More detailed instructions and example will be posted soon
    • Due Wednesday June 28 11:59pm
  • Final presentation

    • Short! ~5-10 minutes
    • Briefly introduce your question, say a bit about why it’s interesting, show your results, and talk about what you conclude from them.
    • Most on Monday June 26 (last day of class)

Final presentation logistics

  • Looking for a few volunteers to go on Thursday June 22 instead!

    • Benefits…
    • More time afterwards to focus on your final paper (finish up the semester early?)
    • No stress while you watch day 2
    • Everyone gets more flexibility on time
    • What’s your favorite kind of donut? :)


  • Interpreting results!

Yesterday’s exercise

The (approximate) data analysis process

  • Determine topic ✓
  • Find data; learn what observations and variables are available ✓
  • Write research question ✓
  • Describe distributions of relevant variables ✓
  • Prepare data frame for analysis ✓
  • Describe relationships between variables ✓
  • Perform statistical tests ✓
  • Communicate results

So you have a p value…

  • Rejecting/failing to reject hypotheses is useful
  • But it’s also statistics-speak, not effective communication

What do you want to be able to say?

  • Something about what the world is like!
  • Translate back from hypothesis test language—zoom back out. If you were describing your results to a friend, what would you say you learned about the world?

What can’t we say?

  • Knowing the limitations of your conclusions is super important!
  • Limitations can arise from several places.

Sampling and generalizability

  • Who can your results speak to?
  • Is your sample big enough?
  • Was it selected randomly?


  • Are people likely to give you accurate answers?

  • Unintentional inaccuracies

    • Desirability biases
    • Memory problems
  • Misrepresenting/lying

    • Is your data coming from something or someone who has a stake in it?
  • Saying vs doing

    • What people say is often different than what they do
    • Stated ideals often don’t match up with actions
    • “I believe in equality but I oppose all the policies that would create it”
    • Did your data collect information on saying, or on doing?
    • Avoid drawing conclusions about what people would do when the data you have is about what they say


  • Are the questions and categories what you would like them to be?

  • Do we lose information through bad category choice or bad documentation?

    • For example: bad but common operationalizations

      • Race: white or nonwhite
      • Gender: male or female


  • Association vs causation: What’s the difference?
  • Association: two things are related
  • Causation: one thing drives another thing
  • It’s nice to be able to say something about causation, but it’s hard!
  • Hypothesis tests speak to association. They sometimes speak to causation as well—it all depends on the set up of your study!

Exercise Q1

  • Does this provide evidence that using the internet helps people live longer? Why or why not?
  • Write down a plausible explanation for this relationship.

Reading for Tuesday

  • There’s an article linked on the course calendar. Mess around with the interactive element!

Workshopping results

  • Teams

  • Same as last time: you have access to each other’s repos on GitHub. Leave your feedback as an issue. Questions to address are at the top of the instructions page on the website (link).